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Selection of Australian Competitors at International Championships


Australian Team (Kangaroos)

The top ten (Australian Team) shall only be selected from the most recent Australian Championships. They are to be selected in order from first place onwards. If any of the top ten are unable to compete, eleventh place is invited into the team and so on until ten team members are confirmed.


Second Team (Wombats)

A second team may be made if the opposing team has a second team and shall be selected in order from eleventh place (or the place directly after the 10th member of the Australian Team) at the most recent Australian Championships.  If any of the places are unable to compete, the next place is invited into the second team and so on until either ten team members are confirmed or the entry list has been exhausted.

If the Second Team still cannot be made up, selection should be from the first place in the most recent State Championships (sailed before the Australian Championships) selected in order around the states from the finishing order of the best-placed state representatives at the most recent Nationals. Then second place and third place in that order but no farther than third place. If a state is not represented at the nationals they are included after other state selections in alphabetical order.  Once first to third State Champinoships places have been exhausted then team members can be selected from the Australian ranking system in order. Only those skippers that are currently ranked after the most recent Nationals.

If still unable to make up a Second Team, selection from the most recent state title results continuing down from fourth place in rotational order as per the previous 1st, 2nd and 3rd. State placing selection may be used so as to make up 30 boats. If unable to gain the numbers by using these criteria, then the organising committee may use its discretion.


Subequent Teams

Subsequent teams may be made if the opposing team has subsequent teams and shall  be selected firstly from the most recent Australian Championships following the procedure of the Second Team. These teams can be given names at the discretion of the organising committee.  



The winner of the previous International Championship shall be invited to defend their title.

When the Internationals are sailed in Australia, a minimum fleet of 40 boats to be made up by inviting other skippers from the most recent Nationals in order from 11th place, to fill additional places. (No more than 30 boats from a host nation should be entered including the top ten, but not including the current international title holder.)

If a fleet still cannot be made up, selection should be from the first place in the most recent State Championships (sailed before the Australian Championships) selected in order around the states from the finishing order of the best-placed state representatives at the most recent Nationals. Then second place and third place in that order but no farther than third place. If a state is not represented at the nationals they are included after other state selections in alphabetical order.

If still not able to field a fleet, select from the Australian ranking system in order. Only those skippers that are currently ranked after the most recent Nationals.

If still unable to make up a minimum fleet of boats, selection from the most recent state title results continuing down from fourth place in rotational order as per the previous 1st, 2nd and 3rd. State placing selection may be used so as to make up 30 boats. If unable to gain the numbers by using these criteria, then the organising committee may use its discretion.

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